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How to Design a Contact Page That Drives Engagement

How can your customer reach you? If a client arrives on your website after searching on Google, what can they do to take the next step in a relationship with your brand, without buying anything? One of the primary aims of any website is to drive conversions. However, it usually takes between 5 and 8 touchpoints to generate a viable sales lead. People don’t want to convert straight away. Since building a relationship with customers is crucial to success, it makes sense that the contact page would be an essential part of driving results. Unfortunately, a lot of website owners pay virtually no attention to that page. They ask their designer to create a page with their address and phone number on – and that’s it. What many business owners don’t realize, is that the contact page is the door to deeper, more lucrative relationships with potential prospects. Check Full Content Here […] from Proven Ways
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Branding 101: Creating the Visual Identity for Your Business

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cookieStore: Async Cookie API

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Making Minimalism Functional in Web Design

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